Humanitarian and Compassionate Grounds

Humanitarian and Compassionate Grounds

What is the Humanitarian and Compassionate Grounds Program?

This is a special program under the Immigration Refugee Protection Act. If there are compelling grounds that make you eligible for this program, you could apply to become a PR of Canada, regardless of your qualifications in other Canadian Immigration programs.

How Are Applications Processed? 

This submission requires detailed documentation on the reasons that are affecting your personal circumstances, which involve an explanation of undue, undeserved hardship, if any. This documentation is used to strengthen your case and is submitted alongside your request to be considered for Humanitarian and Compassionate Grounds.

The request will take multiple aspects into consideration apart from the applicant’s situation. Some of these aspects are outlined below:

  • Best interests of any children directly affected by the outcome of the request
  • Establishment or ability to establish in Canada
  • Ties to Canada
  • Factors in their country of origin, including adverse country conditions
  • Health considerations, including inability of a country to provide medical treatment
  • Family violence considerations
  • Consequences of the separation of relatives

The onus is entirely upon the applicant to explain the exact hardship(s) being faced, and what would happen if their request is not accepted.

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